Swale FoE members braved the weather on Saturday 26th September for a "Tiny Creek Clean" in Faversham as part of the Great British September Clean.
As we had to postpone our usual annual Creek Clean in the spring, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we took the opportunity in September to get out for a scaled-back Covid-safe

clean up of the litter and plastic pollution that accumulates along Faversham Creek, along the path from the boatyard to Thorn Creek.
This precious area is on the North Kent Marshes, an SSSI and Ramsar site, and home to wildlife including Kingfishers, wading birds and the rare Shrill Carder Bee.
Discarded rubbish threatens wildlife that lives there and also enters the creek and eventually the rivers and sea where plastics pose a danger to marine life and enter the foodchain.
In just a couple hours we filled 15 sacks with rubbish and retrieved 3 large batteries!
Now it's much better for wildlife.
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