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Clean Air and Transport

The problem

Air pollution – caused mostly by road traffic  – is one of the UK's biggest killers, and is responsible for an estimated 36,000 premature deaths per year.


In July it was revealed that more than 1,300 hotspots across England are still breaching legal limits for the harmful traffic pollutant Nitrous Oxide.


And we were even more shocked to find that one of the highest levels in the country is in Ospringe.


You can see the air pollution map from national Friends of the Earth here.


We support low traffic neighbourhoods and 20mph speed limits for safer, cleaner streets. 


For example, we are supporting the 20s Plenty initiative in Faversham. 

What should be done?

We are campaigning to remove polluting vehicles from the road and clean up transport – fighting the climate crisis as well as protecting public health.

We raise awareness of the issue and encourage our local councils (Kent County Council, Swale Borough Council and the town councils) to support and implement measures that will reduce traffic pollution and encourage active travel - cycling, walking and public transport use.

20s plenty with words Faversham.png
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