Swale Friends of the Earth is hosting a talk by Professor Mark Maslin, author of How to Save the Planet as part of the Great Big Green Week, taking place between 18-26 September. Professor Maslin’s book is the handbook for our times, of how we together can act at the individual and collective level to save our planet. Mark is a contributing member of the newly formed Climate Crisis Advisory Group, set up by Sir David King, to deliver monthly public meetings on issues around the climate crisis, and to respond directly to public questions.
Mark has been teaching, informing and raising awareness of human-induced climate change for many years, engaging with the public through his accessible articles for The Guardian, The Times and The Independent, as well as popular books, including ‘Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction’ (Oxford University series, and now in its fourth edition). He appears regularly on radio and television (The Today programme, Dispatches, Horizon and David Attenborough BBC One Climate Change: The Facts), and all mainstream news channels.
‘How to Save Our Planet is a fact bomb, one that blasts through climate denial to clear a path for action on the greatest threat that our planet faces.’ Roger Highfield, Science Director, Science Museum.
Sonia Jackson, Swale Friends of the Earth member said: ‘Mark is a passionate optimist. His talk helped me to stop despairing and start acting.’
The talk takes place on Tues 21 September, at 7pm at the New Theatre, QE Grammar School, Faversham ME13 7BQ. Entry is free, there is no booking required and all are welcome. Copies of his books will be available at the talk.