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Have a Merry Green Christmas!

PRESS RELEASE 25 November 2021

Green Christmas Market Returns Saturday 4 December, Faversham Gifts that ‘don’t cost the Earth’ and support local businesses

Top Tips for a Green and eco-friendly Christmas

Swale Friends of the Earth’s popular Green Christmas Market returns this year on Saturday 4th December at Faversham’s historic Guildhall. Last year’s event was ‘virtual’ due to Coronavirus restrictions - the first time in 13 years that the annual event wasn’t held.

This year the market is back, encouraging the public to ‘shop green, shop local’ for Christmas, as awareness rises of the impact of our activities on planet. The market will feature small local businesses, charities, artists and crafters across Swale who offer shoppers good-quality, eco-friendly and ethical Christmas gifts that don't damage the environment or communities. With festive music, hot drinks and mince pies in the beautiful surroundings of the medieval Guildhall, it’s a community shopping event that everyone enjoys.

Martin Collins of Swale FoE said;

“We are very happy to be returning to the Guildhall with our traditional Green Christmas Market this year. The market will be packed full of ethically sourced and environmentally friendly presents for all ages to help us all have a Greener Christmas.

It’s also a way to support small local businesses, after a difficult 18 months.

The rampant consumerism of Black Friday is wrong and we urge people to ignore the fake the bargains of mass-produced items driven or flown halfway round the world. Instead think local and think greener by shopping from small independent suppliers and reducing the carbon footprint of the things you buy.”

With heightened awareness about the climate emergency, plastic pollution and threats to nature, Swale Friends of the Earth is also offering advice on how we can all have a greener Christmas this year - from the food we buy to the presents we give.

Top Tips for a Greener Christmas:

o Shop local and give gifts like crafts, organic hampers, or locally-brewed beer

o Avoid mass-produced, plastic or energy-wasting products

o Give with love by making your own presents, such as home-made chutneys or chocolates o Treat family or friends to things they'd love to do, like cinema & theatre tickets or vouchers o Help our wildlife by buying bee-friendly plants or seeds, bird-feeders or planting a tree o For your own festive food and drink, choose local, seasonal, high-welfare produce o Avoid plastic packaging and disposable plates and cups, and send e-cards

o Compost your kitchen waste

o Recycle cards and wrapping and check if you can get your tree collected.

Swale Friends of the Earth’s website offers lots of tips for green living throughout the year, so we can reduce our carbon footprint and impact on nature. Raising awareness about issues like climate change, plastics, air pollution, development and threats to wildlife, it presents positive solutions and opportunities to get involved in our projects and campaigns for a cleaner, healthier environment and a greener Swale.

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